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Self-Publishing is now a trend for Experienced and First-time Authors or Published Authors who decided to voluntarily promote their work on their own. Even the most successful authors have been rejected firstly in their early works it's either they are not in the level of becoming yet a Publishable Author or a Publisher and the Literary Agent is subjective on the works they accept for representation or publication.

Authors decided to Self-Publish their works either to avoid the hassle from traditional publishers or to make their work available to readers as early as possible and market their work on their own. There are Self-Publishing websites

on the Internet who may offer services that are free or for a certain price.

Self-Publishing is a matter of choice and that does not mean the skills of the Author is not tested but instead it allows the Author to be Passionate about their work, hopefully to improve their skills with their own supervision of finding out for themselves if their work would directly be acceptable to the readers in what they could have anticipated, it may be good or needed improvement.

Main Stream or Traditional Publishing is strict and is always looking for the Best works that is presented to them by the Author or only accepts Manuscripts from agented Authors. Literary agents are the first people to decide whether a work has a voice that is unique before they decide it to market it to Publishers that will be suited for such a work.

Self-Publishing is a choice for those Authors who want to become independent and make their work availalbe to readers in the quickest possible time. Even Traditionally Published Authors need their own efforts to make their works known to as many readers as possible. Indie Authors require a lot of studying and researching to market their works to as much as they can in different ways to distribute their work.

The Digital Age allows Indie Authors to Self-Publish more easily and have their work accessible around the world, although physical print is still on demand for most readers. It is a matter of preference for the readers, if they want the quick digital form of a Book in a matter of seconds with use of reading devices on the comfort of their homes or going to Book stores to buy a printed and signable copy being able to stock into a physical library.


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